How To Create A Power Posse

My Power Posse less a few members
My Power Posse less a few members

Have you ever gone on vacation with a super healthy friend? You know the type of person who doesn’t eat carbs and is sugar free or maybe vegetarian or even vegan.

I have had this experience and at times it felt annoying because I felt pressured to eat better just being in the presence of this healthy person. However by the end of the trip I was happy because I felt great and picked up some good habits. Now days I am that annoying healthy person on a trip…paying it forward.

This experience is the basic principal of “you are the company you keep” in working action.

Surrounding yourself with people who are really healthy pushes you to be more heath.

Surrounding yourself with people who spend all day lying on the couch will push you towards spending more time on the couch. This is why creating a mastermind group or as I like to say a power posse is so important.

What is a power posse? A power posse is a group of two or more people who come together to share in knowledge, provide support and feedback, motivate, inspire and influence each other.

One of my favourite books and must read for all you HWB readers is “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Napoleon dedicates a whole chapter speaking to the importance of having a mastermind group. Napoleon helps us understand that you don’t need to know everything you just need to surround yourself with people who know just as much or more than you do.

Think- Two brains are better than one! This is the idea behind the power posse.

A power posse is such a natural thing for mom’s because we already love to come together and share. The accumulated experience of all the mom’s in the group allows you have so much more information than if you only had your own experience to draw from.

I was invited into a power posse with a few mom’s when I first had Sadie and it proved to be so beneficial. We all had babies around the same time and all had fitness goals we wanted to achieve. We met every week and would often discuss our fitness routine or eating habits. We were also there to listen to one another’s struggles or frustrations…which can be lengthy at times for new mom’s. We were  there to compliments and provide reinforcement for the changes and progress we had individually made. We also provided motivation and inspiration for one another.

Being around other mom’s, who had the same values as me, helped strengthen my values. Sometimes when you see your goals and values in someone else it highlights why you created the goals in the first place. And watching others be successful makes you want to be more successful. You see the positive change and you think I want some of that too!

In the end our whole group achieved our fitness goals. And we are all pretty hot mamas now (see picture above!)

ok so lets get to the practical stuff. Here are three tips to forming a power posse

Be Brave and Ask- Look for people in your life that have the qualities and habits that you already have or want to have. If you are a gym mom and go to classes every day and you see another mom doing the same thing, be brave and ask her if she wants to do a play group. Or if you’re a social networking mom and you always see a specific mom posting picture of green smoothies or kale chips and you want to start eating health. Message that mom; see if she wants to get together.

Set a Consistent Time to Meet Regularly- Once you establish a relationship with your like-minded mom’s set a consistent time that you mom’s can get together each week or month. This can be with the kids or without. Share and

Ask for Feedback- Start sharing with the mom’s. Talk about your goals and how you want to achieve them. Ask the mom’s want they are trying to achieve or what struggles they might be having. Ask for feedback, maybe they have tips for healthy eating or working out. If you are brave enough to open up about your struggles or frustrations I promise they will too. And if they don’t find new mom’s!!!

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